ETG-4000 Optical Topography System


ANJANA BHAT (2016-02-01 to 2017-01-31) $528,298

Project ID: S10OD021534 (OD)

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? Currently we have multiple ongoing NIH funded studies at the University of Delaware (UD) to examine the effects of various behavioral interventions developed for pediatric and adult neurologically affected special populations. We feel there is an urgent need to understand the neural mechanisms of change underlying the behavioral improvements we notice in our populations of interest. Additionally, we are interested in studying the neural substrates for a wide range of behaviors that are an area of emphasis for NIH including working memory in children with Autism, interpersonal synchrony in children with Autism and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, balance in children with Cerebral Palsy, mobility in children with Down Syndrome, arm function in infants with Brain Injury, locomotion in patients with Stroke, and psychosocial symptoms related to Chronic Low Back Pain in older adults. In this proposal, we are requesting funds to purchase a Hitachi functional infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) system (Model: ETG-4000) to advance our clinical and translational research programs as well as interdisciplinary collaborations between researchers working in the areas of pediatric/adult neurorehabilitation, developmental psychopathologies, and motor, social, and cognitive neuroscience. Common neuroimaging approaches such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and electrophysiological approaches such as Electroencephalography (EEG) are limited to tasks in reclined or seated positions with minimal to no movement, making these applications ineffective in obtaining brain activation data in the presence of movement and during naturalistic interactions. If the fNIRS system were to become available at UD, it would allow us to examine part or whole brain activation during a variety of functional motor tasks such as reaching and walking as well as naturalistic and play-based interactions between individuals. This makes the fNIRS technology truly translational and transformational in understanding brain-behavior relationships within real-world settings when working with a diverse set of pediatric and adult special populations including Adult with Stroke and Chronic Low Back Pain, Children with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Down Syndrome as well as High-risk infants.

?目前,我们在特拉华大学(UD)进行了多项NIH资助的研究,以检查为儿科和成人神经系统受影响的特殊人群开发的各种行为干预措施的效果。我们认为迫切需要了解我们在我们感兴趣的人群中注意到的行为改善背后的变化的神经机制。此外,我们有兴趣研究NIH强调的各种行为的神经基质,包括自闭症儿童的工作记忆,自闭症和对立违抗性障碍儿童的人际同步,脑性麻痹儿童的平衡,患有唐氏综合症的儿童的流动性,脑损伤婴儿的手臂功能,中风患者的运动以及老年人慢性腰背痛的心理社会症状。在这个提案中,我们要求资金购买日立功能红外光谱(fNIRS)系统(型号:ETG-4000),以促进我们的临床和转化研究计划以及从事儿科/成人神经康复领域的研究人员之间的跨学科合作,发展性精神病理学,运动,社会和认知神经科学。常见的神经影像学方法,如功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)和电生理学方法,如脑电图(EEG)仅限于斜躺或坐位的任务,运动极少甚至没有,这使得这些应用无法在运动的情况下获得大脑激活数据在自然主义的互动中。如果fNIRS系统在UD上可用,它将允许我们在各种功能性运动任务期间检查部分或全部大脑激活,例如到达和行走以及个体之间的自然和基于游戏的交互。这使得fNIRS技术在理解真实世界环境中的大脑 - 行为关系时真正具有转化和变革性,与多种儿科和成人特殊人群(包括成人中风和慢性腰痛,自闭症儿童,脑性麻痹,对立)一起工作抗拒疾病,唐氏综合症以及高危婴儿。

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