CAR-T Cells for Cancer Treatment: Current Design and Next Frontiers

Picanço-Castro, Swiech, Malmegrim, Covas (2020) CAR-T Cells for Cancer Treatment: Current Design and Next Frontiers Methods Mol Biol (IF: -1) 2086 1-10


Immunotherapy has been growing in the past decade as a therapeutic alternative for cancer treatment. In this chapter, we deal with CAR-T cells, genetically engineered autologous T cells to express a chimeric receptor specific for an antigen expressed on tumor cell surface. While this type of personalized therapy is revolutionizing cancer treatment, especially B cell malignancies, it has some challenging limitations. Here, we discuss the basic immunological and technological aspects of CAR-T cell therapy, the limitations that have compromised its efficacy and safety, and the current proposed strategies to overcome these limitations, thereby allowing for greater therapeutic application of CAR-T cells.


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