Importance of considering circadian rhythm in the design of in vivo transcriptional studies of acute effects of environmental exposures: Commentary to "The acute effects of ultraviolet radiation on the blood transcriptome are independent of plasma 25OHD3" published in Environmental Research 2017 Nov:159:239-248. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.07.045

Bustamante, Wucher, Young (2019) Importance of considering circadian rhythm in the design of in vivo transcriptional studies of acute effects of environmental exposures: Commentary to "The acute effects of ultraviolet radiation on the blood transcriptome are independent of plasma 25OHD3" published in Environmental Research 2017 Nov:159:239-248. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.07.045 Environ Res (IF: 8.3) 178 108691



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